This Saturday, I was relaxing at home while the Olympics played in the background on my television.. While eating some amazing Lenny & John's, I began to (somewhat) watch the USA v. Korea women's volleyball game. After about a half hour (gotta digest), I went outside and took a quick swim in the pool while the TV was still on.. When I came back inside and went upstairs to change, I my hear my friend yelling from the living room, "Whaaat!?!?" "This is f*cking crazy!" "Lauren, you have to come see this!!" I run downstairs, not sure what was happening, when all of the sudden I turn to the television and start to watch something I had never seen before. There are nets and goalies on both sides of a court but it's not soccer or lacrosse... The women on both teams are running back and forth across the court at high speed, throwing a ball with one hand to their respective teammates with unbelievable precision. As I continued watching, I start to see some elements of basketball "Oh shit! Was that an ale-yoop?" "What a crossover!" Whatever was going on I was fascinated and needed to know what the hell was happening on my TV. My friend, who was equally as drawn to this foreign sight, went on the Olympic website to find out what exactly it was that we were watching. Turns out it's Handball (otherwise known as Team Handball, European Handball or Olympic Handball)! No, not the sport city kids play in the summer with their worn out skybounce (known as American Handball), this is on a whole other level. I'm not going to get too detailed with the rules (which you can see here or here), but you can get a better understanding of the game if you view the court diagram below while watching some plays.

Watch some exciting Team Handball videos right after the jump and tell me, isn't this one of the best sports you've never known about? Seems like Britain has the same idea :) Moreover, looks like Jonathan Tjarks of as well as Aaron Morton of about this subject the #samedamntime as me.. Can this thrilling sport pick up steam in the U.S. like is around the rest of the world? Time will tell if the hype and interest in Team Handball will continue to increase.
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