"Shyne’s team is fighting to stay in the US where his mother and his grandmother live and where they raised him….but it seems like he’s going to have to continue the fight from Belize. Shyne will be released from Immigration custody but will then be deported to Belize soon. He has Harvard Professor Charles Ogletree advocating on his behalf in concert with his legal team. They’re still urging fans to reach out to Governor Patterson’s office to petition for Shyne’s pardon (click here for Paterson’s email and his address) but deportation is imminent if that pardon doesn’t come.
"And what about Shyne’s mental state? Angie says 'Shyne is one of the strongest people I know and he’s handling this situation just as I’d expect him to. It must be frustrating for all of his friends and family; he served his time, and keeps getting all these different dates and conflicting information. But he’s a soldier, he’s dealing with it.' "
Listen to The Angie Martinez Show, with Ang and Miss Info discussing the news on Shyne Po.
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